It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this issue of the Uganda UK Health Alliance Newsletter.
This issue features some of the outstanding capacity-building work being done by members and provides
a glimpse of the various UK-derived Global Health programs enabled through the Alliance model.
The Alliance continues to provide a government to government framework for Health System Strengthening
between the United Kingdom and Uganda by providing robust logistical support to UK organisations and
institutions in the health sector whilst aligning their activities to the priorities of the government of Uganda.
This year, the Alliance was privileged to host the senior leadership team of NHS-Health Education England
which was led by Prof Ian Cumming – OBE, the Chief Executive Offcer. The delegation witnessed the
bottomless opportunities for workforce development and health system strengthening between the two
The visit has led to the development of new institutional collaborations in areas of Research, Capacity
Building, Training, Clinical Care and Public Health. These include Muni University/University of London,
Mulago Specialised Women and Neonatal Hospital/ UCL/LSHTM, Leicester/ Uganda Heart Institute,
Canterbury/MoH, LSE/MoH, Wellcome Trust/Makerere among others.
My Co-Chair, Dr. Diana Atwine has subsequently reciprocated HEE’s visit and travelled to the UK where
she held discussions with various organisations within the third and private sector.
The Alliance structure and function is a valuable mechanism for fostering development programs that are
driven by new models of shared prosperity and mutual collaboration. In that regard, collaborative work
has started with the DFID Invest Africa Program, Foreign and Commonwealth Offce (FCO) and Ministry of
Health to support UK derived private and third sector schemes in the health sector.
I’m delighted to say that an independent review of the Alliance was commissioned to evaluate whether
the internal structure is able to continue delivering its mandate. Several stakeholders were interviewed
including members and the results were largely affrmative. The review is supportive of the Alliance in
further refning its model in the coming year to increase its effciency in the face of growing impact and
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