The maternity unit at Raigmore hospital, NHS Highland embarked on building the capacity of midwives at Nabiswera and Nakasongola health districts (Uganda) in ultrasound scanning to improve diagnosis and ensure early management of obstetric emergencies since 2018. The hospital has donated GE voluson E8 scan machines, 3 in total, a GE voluson laptop and a Phillips scan machine.
Two senior midwife sonographers from Raigmore hospital visited Uganda and trained medical and midwifery staff on how to use and promote obstetric scan services with the aim of reducing stillbirth rates and accessing safe, free scans at a far earlier gestation than was current practice. The hospital has also donated modern BP machines with other additional items such as gloves, ultrasound gel, etc to aid in service provision at the Maternity wards of the health facilities.
The results have been fantastic, the team in Nabiswera and Nakasongola have now started their own training programme, women are accessing their scans at first trimester, rather than much later gestations.
Oor Bairns charitable trust have been key to working with Raigmore to help us achieve and realise these ambitions. A new scan suite has been built and a new obstetric theatre is underway.
A whatsapp group was created for the medical team to share live clips of ultrasound that they seek consultations from colleagues and the UK based team of experts. This has been a collaborative approach to team working with one common goal, to share our expertise and assist with learning and development that directly has a positive impact on both mum and baby.