Dr Joyce Moriku, Ugandan State Minister for Health and Ugandan Chief Nurse, Cathy Odeke visited the Tower Hamlets Centre for Mental Health as part of the Global Health Partnership between the Trust and Uganda.
The Butabika-East London Link is a multi-disciplinary, institution-to-institution collaboration between the Trust and Butabika Hospital, Uganda. Since its’ inception in 2003, the partnership has grown enormously with the support of peer to peer volunteering that has transformed mental health training and development in Uganda. This was an opportunity for the Ugandan government to meet the people who have been supporting the Butabika- link and observe how mental health treatment is delivered in the UK. The visit began with a presentation from Borough Director, Edwin Ndlovu who spoke about the types of services the centre offers, including number of inpatient beds and number of contacts per year. They also heard from Deputy CEO & Director of Nursing, Jonathan Warren who spoke warmly about his visit to Uganda.
They visited a number of wards including a male psychiatric intensive ward as well an older adult ward where they met with clinical staff and patients who spoke about how they are being supported on the ward.
Both spoke highly of the work being done in the Trust and the Minister thanked the Trust on behalf on the Ugandan Government for supporting the partnership.
Dr Joyce Moriku, Ugandan State Minister for Health said:
Today has been very insightful. The staff demonstrated values that can make a significant difference in the lives of patients and in turn transform service delivery.
“One of the fundamental principles that I have observed is the respect towards the patient. Followed closely the dignity and the value given to patients. With these values I can see that everyone from the staff, managers and even the cleaners make a great difference in the lives of patients. This is something I will take back to Uganda and seek to implement”